We understand that finding the best price is crucial. If you have discovered the same product at a lower price elsewhere before placing your order, we're here to ensure you not only get a price match but also strive to beat it!
To request a price match, please fill out the form below:
Please make sure you follow our price match conditions:
- ● The item being referenced must be new and sold by an authorized, reputable dealer as determined by Mudify.com.
- ● Price comparison includes the merchandise selling price plus equivalent shipping method, handling charges, and sales tax.
- ● The item must be in stock and available for purchase from an authorized dealer. Pricing errors will not be considered.
- ● Price match discounts cannot be combined with any other promotional offers.
Note: Our 90-Day Low Price Guarantee applies to all items purchased from Mudify.com. If you find a lower price on an item you purchased within 90 days of your purchase, please fill out this form to contact us, and we will refund you the difference if approved.
We value your trust in Mudify as your ultimate destination for high-quality off-road accessories. Our dedicated team will promptly review your price match request and contact you as soon as possible.
Thank you for choosing Mudify, and we look forward to assisting you with your price match request.